Tech Tip: Word Counter

I set up the recommended word count tool . I used it throughout my story writing exercise today and I have some mixed thoughts on it. The bad, first- I wish (and was expecting) the tool to have a status box in the toolbar that listed the word count for whatever text box in which the cursor was active. It does make sense to me that people would need to check the word count on other groups of text, so I do see the point of the selection-right click function. However, this should be an attribute included WITH the toolbar.
The positive: I really do like the widget and I wish that I had heard of this earlier! I have been in so many discussion classes where this was needed, as well as general writing edits. Most of the wiritng that I do is with a word processor, so I do not do too much personal writing online. But this widget would have been (and still will be!) very helpful in my classes.


  1. Hey Carl,

    I was browsing the blog stream to do some extra comments and I came across your tech tip post. This provided me a great idea for future tech tip assignments and help with writing in general. I find myself needing a word count very frequently, and I had not previously seen this listed on the tech tip page.


  2. Hi, Carl!

    You make a really good point about how the Word Counter tool could be made better! Once I had it set up, I didn't even think about how much time could be saved if they just implemented that type of feature. Just like you said in your positive notes, I agree that I could have definitely used this tool sooner. Now that I have it, I know I will be using it a lot!


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