What a fantastic resource for writers. I crawled the site Advice to Writers (
link) from Jon Winokur and am amazed. Not only is the information on the page itself helpful, but the whole website is a springboard to other material. I fell down a rabbit hole looking into interviews that are featured on the site, like
T.S. Eliot's and
Carl Hiaasen's. Reading these stories from such historic authors is a treasure. Some of them, like Eliot's, are on websites that have a paywall, so that was a little frustrating. But even the first half of the article was enticing, especially seeing the impact that he felt from small notions like notes of encouragements.
One of the main takeaways I got from Winokur's website itself is the size of human nature as a resource for writing. It is such an obviously relatable enterprise, with an endless amount of potential for storytelling and platforms on which to connect with the audience. Another is the importance of writing "freely and rapidly." I have mentioned this before on my page, but I think that one of the most foolproof ways to better our writing is simply by writing. Only through this continued experience is progress almost a sure thing. It leads into the other piece of significant advice I got- that once you finish a work- or even get to a significant piece of progress- get started on the next project. As the tip closes, "You should accept that your first novel is probably never going to be published- but the second one might."
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