Week 8 Progress: Don't rock the boat
I am pretty content with how the course is moving so far. I am staying about a week and a half ahead of "schedule," so if anything happens I won't be swamped. I think that things go wrong when people aren't expecting them to (duh) so I think of it like this- if I have the availability to get it done now, do it. You can't be sure what future circumstances will be. This is my go-to response when a friend asks if they should go to their lecture, read ahead in material, or do that week's discussion post- "There will be times in the future where you won't be able to, and a limited amount of 'passes.' So if you have the ability to think about it, just do it." Seems to work well. I set a goal to try and do one extra credit assignment in this class everytime I "log on." That way it just adds to my list of things to do and becomes less of an "extra." I have about a 30% success rate with this challenge. So, moving forward, I would like to see myself follow that a little closer. Other than that, there is not a lot I plan on doing different in this class. Don't rock the (floating) boat. 
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