Week 3 Story: The Fisherman with One Hand

Fishing Along the Shore. Link . It was around that time that the arrived at the coast. On a long stretch of shoreline there stood a fisherman who had but one hand. The disciples looked around but saw no one else around that might be helping the man. They sat and watched, astounded that the fisherman had enough strength in only one useful arm to cast such a large net. The man kept one arm, the hindered one, behind his back in a sling, while he used the other to set his net against the tide. Each time a collection of light waves would come, the man would slowly walk around the waist-deep water to each of his anchors, unclipping and pulling in the net. It was midday and the sun was high. Because of this, most of the fish had gone away to deeper water and the man’s catch was slim. Still, he continued to slowly make his way around each to each anchor. The disciples watched for a long time and were stunned. They sat cross-legged in the warm sand resting, and among them no words were...